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7 Mudras removing the dark circles and their benefits

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Modern day life has degraded the lifestyle of mankind, there is no doubt in that. Serious skin problems are considered one of the main effects of an unhealthy routine. But, we all strive to overcome these dark circles, pigmentation and other skin problems, don’t we? Where’s the time for dark circle treatments, not really enough. Is there any easy solution to this? Yes, there is.

Yoga basically is a solution in itself for all your skin problems, but busy bees, we don’t have much time for asanas. What’s the ultimate solution then? The answer that you are waiting for are Mudras for glowing skin.

7 Mudras for removing dark circles and their benefits.

These are simple hand and body gestures that can be performed by anyone at any time. You can perform it before going to bed, laying on your sofa watching Netflix or even while just using your smartphone and the benefits can amazingly lighten your dark circles. Pretty easy right?

Also Read: Few Summers Skin Care Tips

We are now going to discuss the 7 Mudras for removing dark circles and their benefits.

Varun Mudra

Varun Mudra

As the name suggests, this mudra represents the water god, balancing the water content in the body. Helps in improving blood circulation, Varun mudra is beneficial for removing pigmentation around eyes and lightening the under eye dark circles. To perform Varun Mudra, bend your little finger and touch it with the tip of your thumb. It can be performed anywhere and anytime.

Prithvi Mudra

Prithvi Mudra
Source: alamy.com

Prithvi, the sanskrit word meaning Earth, promotes the generation of new skin cells, making skin around your eyes tighter and lighter. Join the tips of the thumb and ring finger of both the hands to perform this mudra and sit in a comfortable position.

Brahma Mudra

Brahma Mudra

Brahma Mudra, known for cleansing the aura of the body and making skin cleaner and healthier. Puffiness around eyes will be gone with this Mudra. Start by sitting in a comfortable sukhasana with your hands placed on the knees and start inhale-exhale consciously with the sounds of ‘aah’ to perform this.

Makara Mudra

Makara Mudra

The most beneficial of all mudras, Makara Mudra calms the anxiety and depression in the body, boosting the blood flow, brings sinus to control and cools the dark circles around eyes. This is a double hand mudra, where the tip of the ring finger is connected to the thumb, placing the fingers of one hand inside another.

Kaki Mudra

Kaki Mudra.

Kaki Mudra is performed by closing the nostrils with both thumbs , sitting peacefully with eyes open and conscious breathing through the mouth. Known for rejuvenating the skin , this will surely help to develop new skin cells, remove wrinkles and brighten the under eye dark circle.

Shanmukhi Mudra

Shanmukhi Mudra

Shanmukhi is alternatively drawing and withdrawing attention from the six sensory organs. Establishing great stimulation, this mudra also cleanses the blood, making skin around the under eyes area more lighter and healthier. Sit in a comfortable position, close your ears and eyes  with the thumbs and rest of the fingers simultaneously. Breathe heavily and try to feel this breathing in all the organs.

Apana Mudra

Apana Mudra

Also known as the mudra of purification, it relaxes the skin through several pressures and detoxifies deeply leaving your skin around dark circles much more glowing. Performed by touching the tip of your thumb to nails of the middle and ring finger, this is one of the best mudras for glowing skin.

Why not end up adding these mudras in your daily routine and enjoying the benefits for making your skin healthy and glowing?


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