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9 Easy Tips for Healthy Skin While Travelling

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Where vacations can be full of joy and enthusiasm, the travel that comes along with it can sometimes be hectic and tiring. During the travel chaos, the one thing that you are possibly going to miss out on is your skincare. Ultimately, travelling can pretty badly mess up your skin care routine. Even a tiny change to your regular climate, exposure to sun and temperature can cause redness, dehydration and breaking out of your skin.

Also, the stress that comes with travelling, is an enemy for your skin. Packing your bags, rushing to the airport, quite a bit of stress, Isn’t it? Another factor that can mess up your skin care routine while travelling.

Also Read: 7 Best Herbs for your glowing skin to prevent from Anti Ageing

But, don’t worry, we got you covered.

Here are the 9 best skin care tips to keep your skin healthy when travelling.

Make SPF your bff

Make SPF your bff

A good sunscreen can be your best friend forever. While travelling, don’t forget to pack your sunscreen. Trust me, skin problems like pigmentation, tanning will surely be gone with this. (This is my personal favourite skincare tip for travelling).

Always Carry facial wipes

Always Carry facial wipes

Whether it be in a plane, or a bus, washing your face can be pretty uncomfortable especially with that turbulence. Facial wipes work wonders in these situations.

Avoid heavy makeup

Avoid heavy makeup

Okay, sure, you want to look like an instagram queen during your airport selfies but heavy makeup while travelling is a big no! Stick to your regular moisturiser and SPF while travelling.

Apply toner often

Apply toner often

Keep spraying or applying toner between your naps, after eating or at any time. Facial toners balance the pH level and keep your skin hydrated.

Keep water bottle handy

Keep water bottle handy

While travelling, consuming lots and lots of water is a pro tip for healthy skin. Breakouts and dehydration of skin can be prevented from this, leaving your skin more fresh and healthy. Moreover,  you will not have to worry about clogged pores.

Consume less junk and more healthy

It is understandable that controlling the munching cravings is quite difficult. But c’mon buddies, what’s more important than healthy skin? So, in order to achieve that healthy skin while travelling, cut off portions of junk and deep fry for at least two days and try to consume more nutritious and fibre rich foods.

Deep cleansing is a must

Deep cleansing is a must

At the end of the day, your face can be full of dirt and dead skin cells. Make sure you deep cleanse your face with a cleanser suitable for your skin, removing dirt and makeup, if any. This will prevent clogging of pores.

Beauty Sleep

Beauty Sleep

You might find it difficult to adapt to those mattresses in your hotel, or your hectic itenary might not allow you to sleep peacefully. We have a solution for this too, ditch everyone around you for some time, darling, and take a nap, to keep your skin healthy when travelling.

Pack some good under eye cream

Pack some good under eye cream

Panda could be your favourite cute animal, but looking like one, not good for selfies. Darling, don’t worry, here is a healthy skin care tip to prevent that, carry a good under eye cream and get rid of puffiness under your eyes.


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