Hurricane Sally Makes Landfall
Part of Pensacola Bridge Collapses Amid Heavy Rainfall

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Sally is the eighth storm recorded in the US this year to make landfall. The Hurricane made landfall with a wind speed of 105 mph near gulf shores of Alabama at 4:45 AM on Wednesday. Parts of Pensacola Bridge that connects the city to the gulf collapsed after Sally surged up to 30 inches of rain and turned the downtown largely underwater.
Official Confirmation
Santa Rosa Country Emergency Management confirmed the news by tweeting the photo of the damaged three miles bridged. It has been reported that a crane fell on the bridge and caused the damage to the section of the roadway. It is the largest damage that has occurred to date from any Hurricane. The Florida Department of Transportation has stated they have not been able to access any damage to the bridge yet because of the ongoing high winds. People were standing in the hotel balconies looking over the flooded parking lots.
Damage Due To Hurricane
Forecasters say, “Historic and Catastrophic flooding, including widespread moderate to Major River flooding, is unfolding.” Along with the flooded streets a lot of damage, including broken trees was seen. According to the National Hurricane Center, water levels in the Pensacola region rose to 5.5 feet above sea level. Downtown was flooded with water submerging numerous cars around the Holiday Inn express and Pensacola Little Theatre.
It is the third-highest storm that has occurred at Pensacola, Florida with a storm tide of 5.6 feet. The other storms with higher tides in past were Ivan in 2004 and the Great Miami Hurricane of 1926.
377 people were rescued from the worst affected areas. A team of 200 National guards will also be arriving by Thursday for rescue operations. After the Hurricane, about 550,000 houses are without power in Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana.
The other damages that have taken place with Sally are Gulf State park pier where large sections of the structure have been damaged and several boats are washed away near the beach area.
The residents of Pensacola in the Bristol Park area experienced such a flood after 2014 causing major damages. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, National Gauri, and Escambia County Fire Rescue are performing the rescue operations in the morning for the people affected in this area. The access to Highway 297-A near Corral Drive and Ashbury Lane is also blocked.