Fashion Accessories Of 2019

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Every year brings lots of excitement for fashion lovers that what will the year bring for them. What style they can opt to get a crisp look. Even Fashion Accessories 2019 was the year which came with lots of new styles and new fashion games.
Accessories play a vital role in achieving a perfect brunch look or a dinner date, be it a bag, shoes, and glares.
Best Fashion Accessories – 2019
1) TINY SUNGLASSES: These tiny sunglasses were everywhere. Our favorite celebs Rihanna and Bella Hadid wore them all the time. Big brands were totally in love with these glasses and on the other hand, lots of celebs hated this 90’s trend and called it “the regret of 90’s” on Twitter.
2) DAD’S SNEAKERS: From mom’s jeans to dad’s sneakers, a trend that actually looks like it came directly from dad’s wardrobe. While most of the people named it as “coolest shoes” and “ugly shoes” and others found it chunky and stylish.
It is actually comfortable and stylish in our perspective. They are in a double and triple soul which helps in a smooth walk.
3) PVC / TRANSLUCENT BAGS AND SHOES: Call it translucent bag, PVC bag, clear bag or see-through bag, the choice is yours. It was absolutely a new concept. They were frisky, bold and freely revealing what’s inside your bag. They are perfect for women who are intrepid. This style was also seen in footwear categories. It was adorned by every fashionista.
4) TASSEL EARRINGS: They are versatile, playful, colorful and something not to give up on. They almost complement every face shape. They are a combination of flirt and fun. You can rock it with bohemian to classy style.
5) FANNY PACKS: Before known as travelers accessory, it has become a huge trend this time. The trend of ’80s ’90s is now in high demand as they have come in new and better ways. We have seen lost of bloggers to celebs and now common people are loving these bags because they are safer than your hanging bags.
6) TINY HANDBAGS: Yet another tiny thing which made a huge place in a fashion accessory. These tiny bags are so adorable to carry and we are totally in love with them. They came in different shapes and colors and prints. But keeping one thing in mind that they are just for fashion purposes, you can barely keep your big screens phone in them.
With time accessories made a benchmark in the fashion industry. People tend to complete their look with such small details. This is the time of social media and everyone wants to look picture perfect. It is very important to style your accessory in a great way that it should not spoil your look because accessories can make and fail your complete look.