Skincare habits you must have in your 20s

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Most of the girls in their early 20s do not bother about their skin. For them, washing face twice a day, moisturizing it is a good way to keep skin healthy. Taking care of skin in the early 20s is very important. Most of the girls ignore the daily regime. Once they hit in the 30s they start noticing the damages. Dullness, dark spots, ageing do catch up. In order to avoid skin problems, you should know how to take care of your skin. We are sharing the ultimate skincare regime for you girls.
Exfoliation is a very important part of the skincare routine. But over exfoliating can also damage your skin. It is important to keep a balance. Exfoliating face twice a week helps to remove dead skin cells and improves skin tone.
Don’t forget your eyes
Most of the time we ignore our under eye area. This most sensitive area needs care too. It’s good to start using an eye cream in your early 20s. Do not remove your make-up with hard hands or rub cotton at this delicate place. Always invest in a good eye cream.
CTM Routine
CTM routine is basic and very essential for skin. Wash face twice a day and night with a mild cleanser following with a good toner and moisturizer. Use a good face wash instead of soap. Cleanser removes dirt while leaving a glow on your skin.
Toner hydrates the skin and makes it supple. It tightens pores which left open during cleansing. Avoid using toners that have alcohol in it.
After cleansing and toning, the skin needs nourishment. Good moisturizers replenish skin’s moisture and help it to keep it soft and smooth.
Remove Make-up before going to bed
This is the most common skin care routine but still, people ignore it.
Sleeping with your make-up can cause extensive damage to your skin. It clogs pores and leads to more acne. So it is better to swear by this habit of removing all make-up before going to bed.
Avoid Sun-Rays and Use Sunscreen
We all know UV rays are harmful to our skin. It is impossible to avoid the sun but we can avoid direct sun rays to reach out to our skin. Always wear sunscreen 20 minutes before stepping out of the home. Use Eye-Glasses, hats, umbrella and UPF clothing are also available. (You can check out our article on UPF Clothing)
Drink plenty of water
Drinking a lot of water especially in summers is very important. It provides hydration to your skin. Drinking water is important for overall health and it helps in refreshing you from within. You can see noticeable results.
Take Care of your Diet
What you eat reflects on your face. A good diet is important for keeping skin healthy and glowing. Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin-E, hydrating food, and fruits are win-win for the skin. Because you are what you eat.
Sleep is important
A seven to eight-hour sleep is very important. Your skin cells regenerate at night. Not getting enough sleep results in poor water balance, dark circles, and skin inflammation. So, go and get some sleep for the sake of your skin.